There are many different types of cardiovascular disease encompassing a wide range of challenges. For this article I have tried to pick the three that will have the greatest amount of relevance for most people. They are coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries. So if you have a few minutes why don't we get right down to business in exposing the types of cardiovascular disease that present the greatest risk for most people.
*Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the narrowing or blockage of the arteries that nourish the heart by deposits of calcium, cholesterol, dead cells, and fibrous tissue known as plaque. It may surprise you to know that the heart actually takes the oxygen it requires from the coronary arteries, which branch off from the main artery that carries away from the heart also known as the aorta. According to statistics compiled by the Center for Disease Control CHD accounts for about two thirds of the deaths from all types of cardiovascular disease, and is the type most often responsible for a fatal heart attack or stroke. Coronary heart disease generally produces few noticeable symptoms until significant blockage in one or more arteries has occurred.
*Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the lesser known types of cardiovascular disease. When CHF is present the heart's pumping power is not sufficient to supply the bodies needs. There are many different causes for congestive heart failure including heart attack, infections (myocarditis), disease that cause the heart muscle to stiffen (hemochromatosis or amyloidosis), high blood pressure, and diseases such as hyperthyroidism that put extra pressure on the to provide adequate blood flow. Ironically coronary artery disease listed above can cause coronary heart failure as well. Some of the common symptoms associated with congestive heart failure are fatigue; chest congestion; persistent cough; fluid accumulation in the ankles, feet, legs, and belly; and shortness of breath.
*Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is either a primary or contributing cause in many different types of cardiovascular disease. This disorder occurs when blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body become narrowed by cholesterol deposits. As time passes the cholesterol deposits mature, becoming larger and harder as fibrous tissue and calcium is added to the mix. As blood flow is reduced so is cell sustaining oxygen causing important organs such as the heart, eyes, kidneys, brain, and gut to be affected. When the arteries to the heart are impacted angina (lack of oxygen) can result, along with other serious cardiovascular conditions such as heart attack, heart arrhythmia, and CHD.
What else? Most types of cardiovascular disease are treatable through a change in life-style choices, such as diet, exercise, saying no to tobacco, shedding any excess pounds, and enlisting the help of prescription medications or a natural cholesterol reduction supplement if needed. By working with your doctor to develop a safe and effective cardiovascular plan you will have taken the first step in putting yourself on the road to reversing cardiovascular disease and establishing both short and long term heart and artery health.
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