What Are The Most Common Cardiovascular Disease Causes?

For many individuals knowing how to manage and reduce cardiovascular disease causes defines much of how they lead their lives. Others choose to travel down the road of cardiovascular disease causes blindly until that pivotal moment when a heart attack or stroke changes their lives forever.

It is safe to say that in United States the trend is definitely moving in the direction of learning out cardiovascular disease causes before they happen and taking heart healthy steps to make sure they don't just become another statistic of heart disease or stroke.

The many different faces of cardiovascular disease

There are many different forms of cardiovascular disease. This list includes some names you will recognize such as high blood pressure, angina, coronary arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, heart attack, and coronary artery disease along with some other not so familiar names such as myocarditis and pericarditis.

But despite the many different names in most cases cardiovascular disease causes revolve around either/or a weakened heart muscle or a blockage which limits blood supply to the heart which is in most cases, arterial plaque.

While a weakened heart, or a weakening heart, is a natural process that occurs with age arterial plaque deposits in most instances is not and is brought about by a number of common cardiovascular risk factors. Additionally, when our coronary arteries are partially blocked it puts extra pressure on our heart causes it to be overworked and wear out long before its time.

So it just makes sense that every person looking to live as long and as healthy a life as possible would want find out ways to keep their heart strong as long as possible and their arteries as clear as possible. Eliminating cardiovascular disease causes is paramount to achieving these goals. Now, why don't we look at a handful of cardiovascular disease causes that have over time proven to be the most troublesome.


*Smoking: Smoking is right a top of the list of cardiovascular disease causes with smokers being from three to four times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Smoking has been shown to raise bad cholesterol (LDL), lower good cholesterol (HDL), damage the interior lining of the arteries, and cause the arteries constrict, leaving less room for blood flow.

*High cholesterol: Cholesterol molecules are the building blocks for arterial plaque. By keeping your bad blood cholesterol low, under 100 milligrams for each deciliter of blood, and your good cholesterol (HDL) over 55 milligrams for each deciliter of blood, you will be taking away the primary component needed for arterial blockage, and ultimately hardening of the arteries.

*Obesity kills: Obesity puts excess pressure on heart causing it to have to consistently work harder than it should. Obesity also raises arterial clogging cholesterol levels along with dangerous triglycerides. When you add it all up all of the sudden you have a formula for cardiovascular disaster.

*Inactivity: Would you believe that about 40 percent of heart attack victims are considered inactive? Well, this is indeed the case. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minute of daily doctor approved daily exercise but goes on to point out that even 10 minutes a day will help.

*Other: Other cardiovascular disease causes are high blood pressure, diabetes, and homocysteines. While you probably are very familiar with diabetes and high blood pressure you may not have heard of homocysteines. So in winding this article up about the most common cardiovascular disease causes I will give you a brief description that you can use to find out more.

Homocysteines are amino acids produced when protein is digested. It is thought that these dangerous amino acids damage the interior lining of the arteries thus encouraging the formation of arterial plaque deposits. The good news is that by simply eating a balanced diet high in vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid you can neutralize these dangerous amino acids.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_D._Hawkins
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5000683

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